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Are all the Types of resources we can find within the game, but inside a helper enum. The resource types are decimals that need to be converted to hex for you to figure out what the proper type is in S3PE.

Used primarily by:


public enum ResourceTypes : uint
	kAnimatedTextureResourceID = 1671642791u, //0x63A33EA7
	kAssemblyManifestID = 140796009u, //0x08646069
	kAviVideoResourceID = 187479104u, //0x0B2CB440
	kBlendGeometryResourceID = 108833297u, //0x067CAA11
	kBlendUnitResourceID = 3039776853u, //0xB52F5055
	kBodyBlendResourceID = 103580164u, //0x062C8204
	kBoneDeltaPoseResourceID = 55959718u, //0x0355E0A6
	kCASColorInfoResourceID = 103965168u, //0x063261F0
	kCASMaterialResourceID = 15415682u, //0x00EB3982
	kCASPartDataResourceID = 55242443u, //0x034AEECB
	kCASPartResourceID = 46981753u, //0x02CCE279
	kCatalogObjectResourceID = 329217425u, //0x139F7591
	kChecksumResourceID = 2192848260u, //0x82B43584
	kClipResourceID = 1797309683u, //0x6B20C4F3
	kCoatSetResourceID = 3735196956u, //0xDEA2951C
	kColorInfoResourceID = 103817841u, //0x6302271
	kComplatePresetResourceID = 72016144u, //0x044AE110
	kCompositorCacheEntryID = 64504770u, //0x03D843C2
	kCompositorCacheMRUID = 81276304u, //0x04D82D90
	kCompoundBlendResourceID = 85848797u, //0x051DF2DD
	kCTProductExportResourceID = 100201945u, //0x05F8F5D9
	kCTProductObjectResourceId = 832458525u, //0x319E4F1D
	kDataClassResourceID = 47638553u, //0x02D6E819
	kDBCacheIndex = 1987244229u, //0x7672F0C5
	kDreamsAndPromisesTreeResourceID = 100969434u, //0x0604ABDA
	kDynamicChallengeResourceId = 206550257u, //0x0C4FB4F1
	kEffectsObjectResourceID = 765562755u, //0x2DA18F83
	kExpressionBlendResourceID = 168000986u, //0x0A037DDA
	kFacialBlendResourceID = 56144010u, //0x0358B08A
	kFootprintResourceID = 3548561239u, //0xD382BF57
	kFurBlendResourceID = 2480425025u, //0x93D84841
	kGeometryResourceID = 22681673u, //0x015A1849
	kHairColorInfoResourceID = 103965146u, //0x063261DA
	kHairToneResourceID = 55925672u, //0x03555BA8
	kHouseholdExportResourceID = 188367198u, //0x0B3A415E
	kIniResourceID = 529034925u, //0x1F886EAD
	kInGameAdTextureResourceID = 2415624438u, //0x8FFB80F6
	kInteractionTuningResourceID = 62078431u, //0x03B33DDF
	kInventoryExportResourceID = 203281819u, //0x0C1DD59B
	kInventoryResourceID = 3034411371u, //0xB4DD716B
	kKeyNameMapResourceID = 23462796u, //0x0166038C
	kLevelResourceBinID = 1486262296u, //0x58969018
	kLevelResourceXmlID = 1482613520u, //0x585EE310
	kLightingDataResourceID = 62178845u, //0x03B4C61D
	kLightSetResourceBinID = 1342185768u, //0x50002128
	kLightSetResourceXmlID = 1343759936u, //0x50182640
	kLotExportResourceID = 1131408972u, //0x436FEE4C
	kMakeupColorInfoResourceID = 979742505u, //0x3A65AF29
	kMaterialDefResourceID = 30467933u, //0x01D0E75D
	kMaterialSetResourceID = 27185975u, //0x019ED337
	kModelResourceID = 23466547u, //0x01661233
	kModularObjectResourceId = 3482995406u, //0xCF9A4ACE
	kNameGuidMapResourceID = 4087579504u, //0xF3A38370
	kObjectColorInfoResourceID = 103965203u, //0x06326213
	kObjectResourceID = 47985727u, //0x02DC343F
	kObjectSlotResourceID = 3540272417u, //0xD3044521
	kPackageManifestResourceID = 1944665835u, //0x73E93EEB
	kPassportChallengeResourceId = 206550265u, //0x0C4FB4F9
	kPatternResourceID = 3571055589u, //0xD4D9FBE5
	kPhysicsResourceID = 3583541280u, //0xD5988020
	kPrototypeResourceID = 47637849u, //0x02D6E559
	kProductIDResourceID = 359101189u, //0x15677305
	kRecordType_WorldFileNotPackaged = 74956138u, //0x0477BD6A
	kRecordType_DownloadedResourceList = 117730105u, //0x07046B39
	kResourceLookupTableResourceID = 204973493u, //0x0C37A5B5
	kRigResourceID = 2393838558u, //0x8EAF13DE
	kRigResourceFallbackID = 203705141u, //0x0C244B35
	kSignatureResourceID = 2495992138u, //0x94C5D14A
	kSignedAssemblyID = 121612807u, //0x073FAA07
	kSimBinOutfitResourceID = 83169331u, //0x04F51033
	kSimExportResourceID = 83396964u, //0x04F88964
	kSimOutfitResourceID = 39769844u, //0x025ED6F4
	kSims3BundleResourceID = 137167721u, //0x082D0369
	kSkinControllerResourceID = 11431015u, //0x00AE6C67
	kSkinTonePresetResourceID = 1919433749u, //0x72683C15
	kSkinToneResourceID = 55867754u, //0x0354796A
	kSpeciesDefinitionResourceID = 156595936u, //0x095576E0
	kSpeedTreeDataResourceID = 35487372u, //0x021D7E8C
	kSpeedTreeResourceID = 11883242u, //0x00B552EA
	kSSLCertificateResourceID = 147361542u, //0x08C88F06
	kStateMachineResourceID = 47570707u, //0x02D5DF13
	kStringTableID = 570775514u, //0x220557DA
	kTextResourceID = 3694651748u, //0xDC37E964
	kTextureCompositorResourceID = 54137909u,
	kTextureFabricResourceID = 54635721u, //0x033A1435
	kTextureResourceID = 11720834u, //0x00B2D882
	kThumbnailValidationResourceID = 851980437u, //0x32C83095
	kThumbnailExpirationResourceID = 380729964u, //0x16B17A6C
	kTrackMaskResourceID = 53633251u, //0x033260E3
	kTriggerMapResourceID = 2465693650u, //0x92F77FD2
	kTrueTypeFontResourceID = 103718624u, //0x062E9EE0
	kTuningOverrideResourceID = 439484877u, //0x1A3201CD
	kUIImageJPEGResourceID = 796721154u, //0x2F7D0002
	kUIImagePNGResourceID = 796721156u, //0x2F7D0004
	kUIImageTGAResourceID = 796721158u, //0x2F7D0006
	kUIImageCustomThumbnailResourceID = 779470692u, //0x2E75C764
	kUILayoutResourceID = 39622070u, //0x025C95B6
	kUITextureUVMap = 796721160u, //0x2F7D0008
	kUrlImageResourceID = 3692018064u, //0xDC0FB990
	kUserPresetListResourceID = 93434287u, //0x0591B1AF
	kVideoResourceID = 2982943478u, //0xB1CC1AF6
	kVisualProxyResourceID = 1936229617u, //0x736884F1
	kWorldMetadataDetailsResourceID = 107542056u, //0x0668F628
	kWorldMetadataHashResourceID = 899890729u, //0x35A33E29
	kWorldMetadataImagePathResourceID = 107542073u, //0x0668F639
	kWorldMetadataImageResourceID = 107542069u, //0x0668F635
	kWorldMetadataNameResourceID = 3653044489u, //0xD9BD0909
	kWorldMetadataNameHashResourceID = 36402540u, //0x022B756C
	kWorldMetadataNumLotsResourceID = 107542064u, //0x0668F630
	kWorldMetadataResourceID = 694837848u, //0x296A6258
	kWorldExportResourceID = 112992146u, //0x06BC1F92
	kWorldMetaDataResourceID = 114182148u, //0x06CE4804
	kWorldPackageIdResourceID = 4127849824u, //0xF609FD60
	kXMLResourceID = 53690476u, //0x0333406C
	kWorldTexturesResourceID = 142361223u, //0x087C4287
	kStoreBuffResourceID = 3711050663u, //0xDD3223A7
	kStoreSkillsResourceID = 2832567269u, //0xA8D58BE5
	kStoreTraitsResourceID = 3843051616u, /0xE5105060
	KStoreDnPPrimtiveXMLResourceID = 3162301119u, //0xBC7CE2BF
	kStoreSetObjectsResourceID = 3843051617u, //0xE5105061
	kStoreInsectsButterfliesResourceID = 3843051623u, //0xE5105067
	kStoreInsectsBeetlesResourceID = 3843051619u, //0xE5105063
	kStoreInsectsGlowBugResourceID = 209652431u, //0x0C7F0ACF
	kStoreInsectsSpawnersResourceID = 3843051620u, //0xE5105064
	kStoreIngredientsResourceID = 3843051622u, //0xE5105066
	kStoreRecipesResourceID = 3843051623u, //0xE5105067
	kStorePlantsResourceID = 3843051624u, //0xE5105068
	kStoreTextBlob = 1287087065u, //0x4CB763D9
	kStoreSuperBundleInfo = 1719767350u //0x66819136


To convert the Uint (decimal) to a hex version of it for us to search in s3pe with eventually (or to check ;)), you'll need to do as follow:

  • 1. Open your calculator and set it to 'programmer' mode.
  • 2. Click the 'Decimal' option
  • 3. Paste the resource Decimal you want to convert (In my case, I'll go with kXMLResourceID = 53690476u, so, I'll convert '53690476' from decimal to hex)
  • 4. This comes back as 333406C, which needs to be seen as 0x333406C really.

Now, if we use the search option inside S3PE (which is, tick the Filter active checky box and the 'ResourceType' check box, then dump the hex version in the resource type box and click 'set'), then we see it returns as an XML resource! :)

NOTE: If your decimal > hexadecimal has 6 or 7 numbers, just put a 0 at the beginning. TS3 always has 8 digits as a type. So to fix this, do the following: 15415682(decimal) is EB3982 in hex. because it needs to be 8, we'll need to add 2 0's: 0x00EB3982 (In the case if it's 7 digits, we only want to add 1 0 at the beginning ;), whereas in this example we want 2 since it was only 6 digits)

This page can also be your friend when it comes to double checking: Files by type code

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