Merun Deimarna
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Class: Royalty, Tuar Priestess
Level: N/A
Birthplace: Brigha
Weapon: Carries a small knife for herb-cutting
Armor: None
Stats: Strong force of Will, high Intuition
Skills: Tuar healing, Diplomacy, Minor natural psychokinetic/pyrokinetic powers, Speaks Brighan and Rashau, as well as several other languages fluently.
Equipment: Tuar gown, crystal necklace, and belt. Standard Tuar kit of herbs and tools. Several books of history and herbal lore.
Description: Olive skinned, with golden brown eyes and long wavy auburn hair, Merun is short and rounded, but with a fierce glint in her eye that hints at the power contained within her small form.
Bio: Niece of the king of Brigha, Merun is trained as a Tuar priestess from birth. As this makes her ineligable for a royal marriage, she is trained in diplomacy, to become an ambassador. She is sent to Rashiel to perform this duty, but also as a ploy, hoping that the king of Rashiel might kill the impetuous and sharp-tongued Merun (who, though trained in diplomacy, is not incredibly diplomatic with her words) and provide an excuse for an attack against Rashiel.
Other: N/A
Played by: HystericalParoxysm