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==Sorted Lists==
==Sorted Lists==
* [[FormatsByTGI Formats Sorted by Type ID]]
* [[FormatsByTGI|Formats Sorted by Type ID]]
* [[FormatsByName Formats Sorted by Type Code]]
* [[FormatsByName|Formats Sorted by Type Code]]
* [[PRPS Exemplar List]]
* [[PRPS|Exemplar List]]
==Original List==
==Original List==

Revision as of 10:28, 17 June 2006

This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. You can help Sims2Wiki by cleaning it up. It's original page with comments can be found at http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/InternalFormats

Internal File Formats

This page documents the file formats that are stored in The Sims 2 *.package files. (NOTE: This page and the sorted lists have been updated to maintain reference consistency.)

Sorted Lists

Original List

  • BCON - 42434F4E - Simantics Behaviour Constant
  • BHAV - 42484156 - Simantics Behaviour Script
  • BMP - 856DDBAC, 424D505F - Bitmaps
  • BNFO - 104F6A6E - Business Info
  • CATS - 43415453 - Catalog String
  • CIGE - 43494745 - Image Link (CIGE is the typecode)
  • CREG - CDB467B8 - Content Registry
  • STR CTSS - 43545353 - Catalog String Set (name and description)
  • DGRP - 44475250 - Drawgroup
  • DIR - E86B1EEF - DBDF Directory (.dir/.bin) (part of DBPF format used for fast loads)
  • FACE - 46414345 - Face Properties
  • FAMh - 46414d68 - Family Data
  • FAMI - 46414D49 - Family Information
  • FAMt - 8C870743 - Family Ties
  • FCNS - 46434E53 - Global Tuning Values
  • FWAV - 46574156 - Audio Reference
  • FX - EA5118B0 - Effects Resource Tree (.fx)
  • GLOB - 474C4F42 - Semi-Globals (references global files)
  • HOUS - 484F5553 - House Data
  • INIT - 4F6FD33D - Inventory Item
  • JFIF - 0C7E9A76, 4D533EDD, 856DDBAC, 8C3CE95A - JFIF Image
  • DESC LDEF - 0BF999E7 - Lot or Tutorial Description (formerly DESC)
  • LOT - 6C589723 - Lot Definition
  • LSCP - ABCB5DA4 - Landscape
  • LxNR - CCCEF852 - Facial Structure
  • MATSHAD - CD7FE87A - Maxis Material Shader format
  • Mobjt - 6F626A74 - Main Lot Objects (m added to extension to avoid conflicts)
  • MP3 - 2026960B - MP3 Audio
  • NGBH - 4E474248 - Neighborhood Data
  • NHTR - ABD0DC63 - Neighborhood terrain
  • NID - AC8A7A2E - Neighbourhood ID
  • NMAP - 4E6D6150 - Name Map
  • NREF - 4E524546 - Name Reference
  • OBJD - 4F424A44 - Object Data
  • OBJf - 4F424A66 - Object Functions
  • ObjM - 4F626A4D - Object Metadata
  • PALT - 50414C54 - Image Color Palette
  • PDAT - AACE2EFB - Person Data (formerly SDSC/SDAT/SINF)
  • SCOR - 3053CF74 - Sim Rewards/Scores (Open for Business)
  • PERS - 50455253 - Sim Personal Information
  • PMAP - 8CC0A14B - Predictive Map
  • PNG - 856DDBAC - PNG Image
  • POSI - 504F5349 - Edith Positional Information (deprecated, precursor to TREE)
  • PRPS - Multi - Property Sets (TS2 Binary and XML) (Property Set types follow)
    • 6C4F359D - Collection (Specifies Object collections, their icons, etc)
    • EBCF3E27 - Skin (Defines applyable skins including skintones, hair, clothing, and hats, etc.)
    • AC598EAC - Current Sim Data (Current state of a sim: age, skin, hair, species, etc.)
    • 0C560F39 - Object Link (Specifies the objects in object collections)
    • 0C1FE246 - Mesh Overlay (Specifies meshed objects attached to part of the body. IE sunglasses, beards, etc.)
    • 0C93E3DE - Face Modifier (Specifies parts of the face which can be modified by the face creator)
    • 4C158081 - Skin Tone (Specifies a skintone, its name and whether it is choosable or not)
    • 8C93E35C - Face Archetype (Defines base Face models of which the user makes modifications to)
    • 8C93BF6C - Face Region (Defines area regions of the face that effects or Overlays can be applied to.)
    • 8C1580B5 - Hair Tone (Specifies a hairtone, its name and whether it's selectable or not)
    • EBFEE33F - DNA & Sound Mapping (Defines Sim DNA or Maps properties of a sound to an ingame event)
    • EBFEE345 - Audio Test (Test file(s) for the audio content handling subsystem)
    • ED7D7B4D - Want (Defines an individual want or fear used by the game's wantsimulator and want trees)
    • 0B9EB87E - Track Settings (Defines settings for SFX and Voice audio tracks)
    • 6D619378 - Neighbourhood Object (Defines objects usable in Neighbourhood view)
    • 4DCADB7E - Terrain Paint (Defines the game's lot terrain textures as opposed to neighbourhood textures)
    • 2CB230B8 - Fences (Defines fence types, their properties and descriptions used ingame)
    • ACA8EA06 - Roof (Defines Roof texture options as opposed to the Roof style itself)
    • CCA8E925 - Wall & Floor (Defines wall and floor styles used ingame as well as their descriptions and properties.)
    • 6C93B566 - Face Neutral (Defines neutral unmodded base faces for an age and gender. Archetypes are based off these)
    • 2C1FD8A1 - Texture Overlay (Specifies Makeup, stubble, lipstick, zits, etc. face overlays)
    • EBFEE342 - Game Package Version (what version of the exe this package was made with)
    • 4C697E5A - Model Material (Specifies different material overlays per object. Green, Red, etc.)
  • PTBP - 50544250 - Package Toolkit
  • RCOL - Multi - A generic format used by Scenegraph resources
  • SFX - 8DB5E4C2 - Sound Effects
  • SIMI - 53494D49 - Sim Information?
  • SKIN - AC506764 - Sim Outfits
  • SLOT - 534C4F54 - Object Slot - Approach and interaction
  • SPR2 - 53505232 - Sprites
  • SPX1 - 2026960B - SPX Speech
  • SREL - CC364C2A - Sim Relations
  • STR STR# - 53545223 - Text String
  • STXR - ACE46235 - Surface Texture
  • TATT - 54415454 - <Unknown>
  • TGA - 856DDBAC - TGA Image
  • TMAP - 4B58975B - Lot or Terrain Texture Map
  • TPRP - 54505250 - Edith Simantics Behaviour Labels
  • TRCN - 5452434E - BCON Labels
  • TREE - 54524545 - Edith Flowchart Trees
  • TTAB - 54544142 - Pie Menu Functions
  • STR TTAs - 54544173 - Pie Menu Strings
  • UI - 00000000 - User Interface
  • WDB - Multi - A generic format used by World Database resources
  • WFR - CD95548E - Wants and Fears
  • XA - 2026960B - XA Audio
  • XMTO - 584D544F - Material Object?
  • XOBJ - 584F424A - <unknown>

These are TGI Type codes for files with unknown names or purpose. Any insight into the type or description of these files would be appreciated :)

And that should be all the TGI Type codes used in The Sims 2. The TGI Type codes are the same in BOTH *.package formats.

P.S. this may or may not be an entire list of sounds in the game. SoundTables

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